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A member registered Nov 30, 2016

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I could have sworn the tutorial text said that people will grab food from nearby stockpiles, but they don't seem to do that unless instructed, and when instructed, they grab even if their own tent is full and then wander around with it. What did I miss?

What a fantastic read. This devlog update warms my heart!

I'd also be interested in a version without the fake monitor graphics.

Love the game, but every time I click Launch in the Itch client, it says installing the game (though afterwards it does launch). Is it like that for only me or everyone else too?

Wow! Talk about memories of Ultima 7 flooding in when I tried this. Double clicking on everything made me feel my RSI (I'm old and damaged), but certainly super interested in seeing how this progresses.

Remember to disable any plugin you don't use. ;) I think Alessa Baker has something on her Patreon on how to minimize Unreal build sizes too.

This looks amazing! Do you have a Twitter one can follow you for updates and more lovely art?